<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <%Response.Buffer = true %> <% Function StandardDate(mDate) mDate = CDate(mDate) StandardDate = Day(mDate) & "/" & Month(mDate) & "/" & Year(mDate) End Function Function nz(mData) ' avoid saving null values If len(mData) = 0 then nz = " " Else nz = mData End if End Function Function ReplaceChar(mChar,mData) If Instr(mData,chr(mChar)) > 0 Then DataLength = len(mData) Pointer = 1 Do While Pointer <= DataLength Char = Mid(mData,Pointer,1) If Char = chr(mChar) then mData = Left(mData,Pointer-1) & " " & Mid(mData,Pointer+1) End If Pointer = Pointer + 1 Loop ' next char in string End If ReplaceChar = mData End Function Function FixApostrophe(mData) If Instr(mData,"'") > 0 Then DataLength = len(mData) Pointer = 1 Do While Pointer <= DataLength Char = Mid(mData,Pointer,1) If Char = "'" then If Mid(mData,Pointer,2) <> "''" then mData = Left(mData,Pointer) & "'" & Mid(mData,Pointer+1) Pointer = Pointer + 1 DataLength = DataLength + 1 End If End If Pointer = Pointer + 1 Loop ' next char in string End If FixApostrophe = mData End Function function WriteSelectCodeSingle(mReq,mText) response.write("") end function function WriteSelectCode(mReq,mTag,mText) response.write("") end function Function ReFormatted(Str) on Error resume next Str=Replace(Str, CHR(13), "") Str=Replace(Str, CHR(10) & CHR(10),"

") Str=Replace(Str, CHR(10), "
") ReFormatted = "

" & Str & "

" End Function Function VetInput(cTestString) ' checks for HTML or profanities in a string ' each 'library!' word is searched for in the string ' if any of the library words are surrounded with text, then the word is passed (eg 'scunthorpe') ' if the word is at the beginning or end of another word, then it is blocked. VetInput = "OK" If (Instr(cTestString,"<") > 0 and Instr(cTestString,"<") > 0) then VetInput = "html" Else Dim aProf,Profanity, Suffix, Prefix,pointer, offset, alphachars aProf = Array("bum","tit","crap","fuck","phuck","tosser","fuk","bollo","cunt","bastard","wank","shit","wank","wog","coon","arse") Profanity = "" alphachars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABSDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" cTestString = " " & cTestString & " " ' insert a space at each end of the string For pointer = 0 To UBound(aProf) - 1 offset = InStr(UCase(cTestString), UCase(aProf(pointer))) If offset > 0 Then Prefix = Mid(cTestString, offset - 1, 1) Suffix = Mid(cTestString, offset + Len(aProf(pointer)), 1) If InStr(alphachars, Prefix) > 0 And InStr(alphachars, Suffix) > 0 Then ' it's embedded in another word, so we'll take a chance Else Profanity = Mid(cTestString, offset, Len(aProf(pointer))) Exit For End If End If Next If Len(Profanity) > 0 Then VetInput = "suspect" 'VetInput = "sorry, your entry contained the word " & Profanity & " and cannot be saved." End If End If End Function %> <% pagename = "association" pagefile = "/association/association.asp" pagetitle = "Punt Association" %> <%if members_only and not (member or editor or master) then response.redirect("/common/members_only.asp") end if %> <%=SiteName%> <% datafile = "npc.mdb" datatable = "tbl_Pages" OpenOleConn(datadir&datafile) pMode = request("pmode") if not (editor or master) then pMode = "" ' stop any parameter hacking ! select case pMode case "edit" set rs = objConn.execute("SELECT * from "&datatable&" where ID = " & Request("ID")) if left(pagetitle,4) ="Test" then pagetitle = rs("pagename") %>
<%=pagetitle%> (editing)

Edit the text in the window as required, or you can 'cut and paste' html from an html editor program if you prefer.

"> password (currently only needed for read access of Test Pages)


Alternatively, simple formatting can be achieved with the following HTML'tags':

The tags can be used in combination, eg <b><i> bold italics </i></b>

The default font is already set to Arial, 13px ('size 2'), but if you insert a table, you then need to add class="ar" into the <table> tag.

<b> text to be in bold face </b>
<i> text to be in italics </i>
<u> text to be underlined </u>
<p> new paragraph </p>
<br> starts new line (just the one tag needed)
<hr> inserts a horizontal line
<% case "save changes" set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open "select * from "&datatable&" where id=" & request.form("id"), objConn, 2, 3 rs("textcontent") = nz(Request.form("textcontent")) rs("password") = request.form("tpassword") rs("datestamp") = now() rs("author") = session("username") rs.update CloseData() if len(mtestpass) > 0 then response.redirect(pagefile&"?testpass="&mtestpass) else response.redirect(pagefile) end if case else Set rs = objConn.execute("SELECT * from "&datatable&" where pagename = '" & PageName & "'") %>
<%if rs.eof then %> <%else %> <%end if %>

no page content available at present

    (works with Internet Explorer only)

   <%=pagetitle%> <%If editor or master then%> &testpass=<%=mtestpass%>">edit this page   (last updated on <%=rs("datestamp")%> by <%=rs("author")%>) <%else if len(rs("datestamp"))>0 then%>   (last updated on <%=formatdatetime(rs("datestamp"),1)%>) <%end if End if %>

<%end select %> <%CloseData() %>