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Powerboat Courses

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Safetyboat Training

Want to know what to do in this situation?

do you want to be able to drive a safety boat and help with duties on a Sunday.


Already have your powerboat L2 but would like to improve your skills and really learn to rescue boats and people safely.

Powerboat Level 2  Training Course            14 – 15th April                      This course is the basic handling course and is the minimum requirement for doing safety boat duty for the Club.

Without enough safety boat drivers Club racing and other activities will not happen. 6 places only.

SAFETY BOAT TRAINING              21 – 22nd April

If you have already passed your Level 2 Powerboat course or are experienced in powerboat handling then you need to do the Safety boat training. This course trains you to rescue people and boats.

Ideally everyone driving the club safety boats should have this level of skill. 12 places only.

Both these courses will cost £30, which covers the coursebook, fuel and certificates and is heavily subsided by the Club and the Instructors who give their time for free. Please complete the application form and return to Ian.

Ian Mason has kindly offered to do refresher sessions for anyone who has their L2 but feels they need some practice. These will happen anytime Ian is out on the Broad on a Saturday.

Contact Ian if you are interested:    

Powerboat Application 2018

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